My photos are three coats as it was a tad sheer. The formula itself was fantastic and I didn't have any application issues whatsoever.

My photos are three coats as it was a tad sheer. The formula itself was fantastic and I didn't have any application issues whatsoever.
Copper Pot
A copper/bronze duochrome. Three coats. Not my cup of tea.
Tropical Sun
A pink/peach duochrome. Three coats. Me likey.
Indian Ocean
A blue/pink duochrome. Extremely sheer; this is five coats. My favourite of the three by far!
To be honest, I'm a bit underwhelmed by the new collection overall. The promo pictures looked incredible, but I should have known they wouldn't be reliable - we've been burned before. They're nice colours, just not quite as cool as the promo pics made them look. I don't think much of Copper Pot, especially as a duochrome, but I like Island Sun and I really like Indian Ocean. The formula is much improved on last autumn's collection, and for a fiver they're pretty good value for money. I'm not going to tell you to run to the shops and buy them immediately...more to go there at a leisurely stroll if you like the look of any of them.
Before I show you the photos I have a warning about this polish, dear readers: it was incredibly sheer. If you wear it I highly recommend you layer it over a complementary blue. I knew just from looking at the bottle that it was going to be sheer, but I decided to wear it on its own to better show you what it looks like au naturel. I was determined to see if I could get it opaque, but I gave up at five - yes, five! - coats. Anyway, onto the pictures:
I also took a couple of photos indoors, which really brings out the peach colour:
Hmmm, I don't have an awful lot more to say about this polish, except that I rather like it. Definitely more than I like Tropical Sun, anyway. I think it's because it genuinely does look like a sunset. It's pretty cool.
Copper Pot is the least duochrome of the three polishes, shifting from a copper colour (duh) to bronze/yellowy gold. The PR release calls it "a deep olive tan". I prefer the formula on this to what some of last autumn's Beetlejuice polishes had - it didn't pooling at my cuticles, but it did bubble a little (despite waiting a good five minutes between each coat. Boo). I used three coats for my photos, which gave it full opacity.
See what I mean? It looks glow-y rather than duochrome-y. I don't actually like it very much. I'm just not a huge fan of polishes with a yellow or orange tone to them. Meh.
From Wikipedia: Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox. Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore; in English, kitsune refers to them in this context. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Foremost among these is the ability to assume human form. While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others, other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.
Like the other two Lilacquer polishes I've shown you, it's a duochrome shimmer top coat - this is a green/red one. This was definitely the thickest formula of the three polishes, so I put a few drops of thinner in it first. As with Lycanthrope I started with two coats of Nails Inc Black Taxi, followed by two coats of Kitsune. I was very lucky again to have some lovely sun for these photos, so you can see Kitsune at its sparkliest.
Lilacquer Kitsune retails for $6 (about £3.80) for 5ml. It's not an Etsy shop; to order you email the creater directly and pay by PayPal. International shipping is available at a very reasonable price, and delivery is quite fast - it took 10 days to reach me in the UK from the States. I'm really pleased with my three Lilacquer polishes. They're so beautiful and can be layered over whatever polish takes your fancy to create something truly unique. I hope you've enjoyed looking at them as much as I've enjoyed wearing them!
Anyway, I thought you'd like to see what I wore on my nails to see The Hunger Games. I decided to go with the Girl on Fire theme, which will make sense to you if you've read the books/seen the film. I wanted to do something like this, but I ran out of time. Instead I painted my nails with two coats of Nails Inc Black Taxi, my favourite black creme, and then used a make-up sponge to dab China Glaze Ruby Pumps (red glitter) and Essie As Gold As It Gets (gold flakes) in a sort of gradient. It's supposed to look like fire but it's perhaps a little too red. I'm rather pleased with it anyway.
May the odds be ever in your favour!
Tropical Sun, Copper Pot, Indian Ocean
Expect proper swatches in a few days. :)
EDIT: You can find swatches of the polishes on my nails here!
From Wikipedia: A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse and/or lycanthropic affliction via a bite or scratch from a werewolf. This transformation is often associated with the appearance of the full moon.
Lilacquer Lycanthrope is a green/gold duochrome with the same shimmer as Selkie. It was a little thick but not unmanageably so. I painted my nails with two coats of Nails Inc Black Taxi (a black creme) first before doing two coats of Lycanthrope. It doesn't dry particularly shiny so I followed this with a top coat.
(I was wearing this on Sunday while having lunch with my parents when the sun suddenly came out. I grabbed my camera and literally legged it outside to get some decent photos of it!)
I always say I don't like green nail polishes, but I keep finding ones that make me change my mind! When I initially put this on I decided it wasn't my cup of tea, but it's definitely grown on me. The duochrome shift is subtler than Selkie, going from a blue-toned green to gold, and it's so darn sparkly! All the same, I do think I prefer Selkie.
Lilacquer Lycanthropy retails for $6 (about £3.80) for 5ml. It's not an Etsy shop; to order you email the creater directly and pay by PayPal. International shipping is available at a very reasonable price, and delivery is quite fast - it took 10 days to reach me in the UK from the States. I have one more Lilacquer polish to show you very soon!
From Wikipedia: Selkies are mythological creatures found in Faroese, Icelandic, Irish, and Scottish folklore. They are said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land. If a man steals a female selkie's skin she is in his power and is forced to become his wife. Female selkies are said to make excellent wives, but because their true home is the sea, they will often be seen gazing longingly at the ocean. If she finds her skin she will immediately return to her true home in the sea.
Lilacquer Selkie is a blue/teal/green duochrome shimmer top coat. I used two coats of a dark teal, Nails Inc Blair, first, then two of Selkie. I was warned by the maker that I might find it a bit thick so I was prepared to use a bit of thinner, but actually I had no problems with it whatsoever. It went on perfectly.
I took eleventy billion photos of this polish and a part of me wanted to post them all...but I managed to narrow it down a bit!
Lilacquer Selkie retails for $6 (about £3.80) for 5ml. It's not an Etsy shop; to order you email the creater directly and pay by PayPal. International shipping is available at a very reasonable price, and delivery is quite fast - it took 10 days to reach me in the UK from the States. I'll be showing you the other two colours available very soon.
I don't know about you, but I'm celebrating St Patrick's Day in two very traditional ways: by having a lovely pint of Guinness, and by painting my nails green!
For today's manicure I started with two coats of China Glaze Holly-Day, which is from their Let It Snow collection that came out last winter. It's a deep green creme that covers perfectly in two coats. I then used a dotting tool to draw shamrocks on all my nails using the green foil Color Club Kiss Me Mistletoe, also a Christmas shade from last year. The shamrocks were surprisingly easy to do - I did three little heart shapes with the points all facing each other. I drew a large shamrock on all but my ring fingers, which got mini ones. In hindsight I wish I'd just done another large one, but oh well. The stalks were done using a striper brush.
Yes, I mucked up the stalks a bit. It wouldn't be normal for one of my manicures to actually turn out perfectly! XD In truth it's because I did this last night while I was watching New Girl, so only half my attention was actually on painting my nails (the other half was on Nick. I can't help it. I love him so!).